Industrial Filterpresses and Pumps

If you are looking for bigger filterpress for your application, we have a complete range of industrial machineas for your request.

Autemi s.r.l. is an Italian company who produces plate filterpresses and feeding pumps for a lot of industrial applications. The same features you can find in the small lab-scale filterpresses, you can find in industrial size when you need to dewater bigger volumes of liquid or slurries.

Depending on the degree of automatism, we have several options and model that for sure will fit your needs.

Please take a look at our range and don’t hesitate to contact us in case you need more informations!


CMPF Filterpress

Completely Manual

This is the basic version of our industrial filterpresses.

Is a completely manual  version, no power supply is required.

Operator have to use hydraulic manual pump to close the filtering plate-pack; after the filtration the opening of the plates is manual as well.

All the valves are also manual with actuation by lever.

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SAPF Filterpress


Opening and closing of the filtering plate-pack is accomplished by acting on the electrical control panel.

The filterpress is provided with a PLC which controls all the automatic functions of the filterpress during the filtration cycle: the opening/closing of the automatic valves are managed by the PLC and the start/stop of the feeding pump as well.

This machine is called “Semi-Automatic”, because the opening of the plates after the filtration is ended is manual: the operator must open each plate manually.

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SPF Filterpress


The filterpress is provided with a PLC which controls all the automatic functions of the filterpress during the filtration cycle: the opening/closing of the automatic valves are managed by the PLC and the start/stop of the feeding pump as well.

This machine is completely automatic and the opening of the plates is automatic too: the opening of the plates takes place simultaneously, so the filter press opens all the plates together at the same time.

This kind of machine is used for quick filtration cycle and for easy to dewater slurries

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APF Filterpress

Automatic-One by One

The filterpress is provided with a PLC which controls all the automatic functions of the filterpress during the filtration cycle: the opening/closing of the automatic valves are managed by the PLC and the start/stop of the feeding pump as well.

This machine is completely automatic and the opening of the plates takes place by means of a special pair of carriages with hooks.
The two carriages pick upa single plate at a time (one by one) and bring it to the open position.

This kind of machine is used for long filtration cycle and for slurries that are difficult to dewater.

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From 300 to 900 liters/hours

Pump Typology: Single Acting
Pump Architecture: Single Cylinder / PISTON PUMP
Flow rate available: 300 liters/hour – LIBRA L3-S
900 liters/hour – LIBRA L9-S
Max Pressure: 15 bar
Max Working Pressure: 12 bar
Motor Power: 0.75 kW @300 liters/hour
1.5 kW @900 liters/hour
Power Supply: 400 V / 3 pH / 50 Hz
Material of Gearbox Painted Carbon Steel
Wetted Parts: S.S. AISI 316
Ball Valve: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE
Piston material: S.S. AISI 316 with Chromium Coating




From 2 to 3 mc/hours

Pump Typology: Single Acting
Pump Architecture: Single Cylinder / PISTON PUMP
Flow rate available: 2.000 liters/hour – LIBRA L20-S
3.000 liters/hour – LIBRA L30-S
Max Pressure: 15 bar
Max Working Pressure: 12 bar
Motor Power: 3 kW @2.000 liters/hour
4 kW @3.000 liters/hour
Power Supply: 400 V / 3 pH / 50 Hz
Material of Gearbox Painted Carbon Steel
Wetted Parts: S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Galvanized
Carbon Steel – depending on the versions
Ball Valve: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE
Piston material: External Chromium Coating, core in:
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Galvanized
Carbon Steel – depending on the versions

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5 mc/hours

Pump Typology: Double Acting
Pump Architecture: Single Cylinder / PISTON PUMP
Flow rate available: 5.000 liters/hour – LIBRA L50-D
Max Pressure: 15 bar
Max Working Pressure: 12 bar
Motor Power: 4 kW @5000 liters/hour
Power Supply: 400 V / 3 pH / 50 Hz
Material of Gearbox Painted Carbon Steel
Wetted Parts: S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Galvanized
Carbon Steel – depending on the versions
Ball Valve: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE
Rod Material: External Chromium Coating, core in:
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Carbon Steel –
depending on the versions
Cylinder Liner Material: External Chromium Coating, core in:
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Carbon Steel –
depending on the versions
Piston material: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE or
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 with VITON seals
depending on the versions

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10 mc/hours

Pump Typology: Double Acting
Pump Architecture: Double Cylinder / PISTON PUMP
Flow rate available: 10.000 liters/hour – LIBRA L100-D
Max Pressure: 15 bar
Max Working Pressure: 12 bar
Motor Power: 5.5 kW @10.000 liters/hour
Power Supply: 400 V / 3 pH / 50 Hz
Material of Gearbox Painted Carbon Steel
Wetted Parts: S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Galvanized
Carbon Steel – depending on the versions
Ball Valve: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE
Rod Material: External Chromium Coating, core in:
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Carbon Steel –
depending on the versions
Cylinder Liner Material: External Chromium Coating, core in:
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 / Carbon Steel –
depending on the versions
Piston material: Core in Carbon Steel / covering in HDPE or
S.S. AISI 316 / S.S. AISI 304 with VITON seals
depending on the versions


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